Helping children since 1989, Louise Tyquin is very experienced, caring & professional. She loves this profession!
You will meet with the Speech Pathologist and ...
briefly discuss your child’s case history (motor milestones, general health, school performance and your current concerns)
The appropriate testing will then take place. This may include talking, playing games and observation with the younger children) and/ or the use of formal assessment material (i.e. standardised tests) for the older children. This is not an exam and should be seen as a fun thing (for the younger child) or as a means of seeing if we can help them (for the older child). Encourage your child to see it in this way.
As most of the standardised tests are not timed, the time required for the assessment depends on the individual.
If a child responds more slowly to test items or has some attentional/behavioural difficulties, the testing may need to be completed at a second appointment. Your Speech Pathologist will discuss this with you. Our aim is to discuss the results of the assessment with you at the completion of the assessment. Sometimes however, formal assessments may take up to an hour to be scored and analysed and there may not be enough time to do this at the time of your visit.
During the initial speech pathology or reading assessment, your speech pathologist will do one or more of the following:
Discuss your child’s assessment results and options for any recommended treatment (if the assessment has been completed)
Make an appointment to complete the assessment (if required)
Make arrangements with you to discuss the results in more detail at another session
Refer you to another professional (e.g. Audiologist, Occupational Therapist, ENT), if appropriate.